Beauties on sale during the cultural days of Bontida organized in august at the homonym castle in Transylvania, near Cluj. The courtyard of the Banffy Palace was dedicated to the market. A nice antiquity market, in fact rather a flo market and an unintentional art center. I almost married a gypsy from asking about the price of something.
art among the ruins the posh phone the living coat hanger the holy spirit
1 comment:
saracu' nene vad ca nu reusise sa-si vanda cuierul. era cu el anul trecut si prin cluj, in osser. ziua aia chiar s-a dovedit a fi interesanta. ceva mai incolo un altul vindea un bust al lui Darth Vader.
1 comment:
saracu' nene vad ca nu reusise sa-si vanda cuierul. era cu el anul trecut si prin cluj, in osser. ziua aia chiar s-a dovedit a fi interesanta. ceva mai incolo un altul vindea un bust al lui Darth Vader.
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