
Shadow play

Sâmbătă, 9 iunie, prezentam Teatrul de Umbre, cu “piesa” Perseu şi Medusa. Aşteptăm preşcolarii la Centrul Virtus Antiqua, de la ora 10.30 a.m., pentru un spectacol de ca. 20 min. Locurile sunt limitate, deci vă rugăm să ne daţi un telefon la 0741114389 pentru programare.

I've been introduced into the secrets of shadow theater during a workshop organized for museographers by the National Museums Network Association of Romania. I have thus co-opted a friend and we let our imagination roam wild on a topic related to Antiquity - the story of Perseus defeating the monster Medusa. The technical part was not easy, but the kids seemed delighted, so we deemed it a success.

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